
Messages is a four-level course for lower-secondary students. Each level contains 6 modules of 2 units, each divided into 3 manageable steps. Clear aims and outcomes for each step mean students can put what they learn into practice immediately.Each level of the course provides 80-90 hours of classwork with lots of recycling in regular four-page review sections. Level 1 assumes students have studied English at primary school, but gives full coverage of all basic language areas. The course takes students to an intermediate level by the end of Level 4.Key Features* ‘Use what you know’ sections at the end of each step activate the language students have learnt and provide them with immediate results.* ‘Life and culture’ sections and continuous stories provide rich reading resources about the outside world to stimulate students interest.* Coursework activities in each review section on a connected theme at each level (for example, Level 1 My Everyday Life) mean students build up a portfolio of work for each year.* A variety of exercises such as the ‘Try this!’ sections and extension exercises in the Workbook mean students can work to their own level.* Teacher’s Resource Pack provides photocopiable tests, extra communication and grammar activities and pattern drills.* KET and PET-style exercises train students in the skills they need for these exams.

Język angielski

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