SŁOWNIK POLSKO-ANGIELSKI ANGIELSKO-POLSKI czyli, jak to powiedzieć po angielsku



Starters are an introductory level to the new Oxford Bookworms Library, suitable for readers in their first or second years of learning English. The Starters series are original stories in a variety of formats: narrative, interactive, and comic strip. They contain glossaries and exercises and are carefully graded in structure and vocabulary. Cassettes are available for some titles.When Tonya and her friends decide to sail around the world they want to see exciting things and visit exciting places.But one day, they meet an orca – a killer whale – one of the most dangerous animals in the sea. And life gets a little too exciting.Seriazobacz inne tytuły z serii Oxford Bookworms StartersA Connecticut Yankee in King Arthurs Court, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Drive into Danger, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Escape, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> The Fifteenth Character, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Girl on a Motorcycle, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Mystery in London, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> New York Cafe, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Orca, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Police TV, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Taxi of Terror, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Vampire Killer, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> The White Stones, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Give Us the Money, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Oranges in the Snow, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> The Ransom of Red Chief, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Sallys Phone, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Starman, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Survive!, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> King Arthur, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Last Chance, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Red Roses, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Robin Hood, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Star Reporter, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Pirate Treasure, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”> Sherlock Holmes and the Dukes Son, FGCOLOR, #F8EFEA, BGCOLOR, #D29D76, TEXTCOLOR, #000000, STATUS, „)” onMouseOut=”nd();”>

Język angielski

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